Dr. Seuss wrote stories that were a joy for parents to read to the kids as well. My favorite was "McElligot's Pool.....for it may be deeper than you or I know..." There's a danger near such a pool, of course, but there's that deep pool that makes us think. Forthcame this potent line:

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!”

Yes, it really made us parents think as we read: "For this pool may be deeper than you or I know.." So think deeper we must....and all we did, my kids and us ourselves, and we were all the better for it.

What a gift McEllgot gave us all....and it's a gift that still keeps on giving!

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We all wanted to read Dr. Seuss...from the reader to the kids and "those pools."

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