“Sleep researchers have shown in the laboratory that if people are deprived of electric light, they will go back to the nine-hour-a-night schedule.”

Maybe we should turn the lights off...

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Just don't trip on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Our springer slept on the floor, so tip-toe really helped. Thanks!

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As my father, nigh 90 when he passed away, often said to us, "I'm not in bad shape for the shape I'm in." It means a lot more as I'm now in the middle of my octogenarian years.

There may be more of us in these latter years than used to be, but few of us who act a generation (Read 20 Years), younger with what they do and say. More puerile, I guess.

You've got great gifts, GK. Keep us younger than we might be. Keep it up. Your songs and stories are the keys. Use those keys to open those doors you have....and ours too.

Like sugar in my coffee: too little fails to transform me, and too much overdoes me. You, sir, "just-right-us, like the stories of Woebegone.

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