The Writer's Almanac always gets me ready for the day.....usually before the sun rises, but my kitchen light showers my Macbook Air with all the morning news that Garrison's Team is fit to print. Not all of it grabs my eyes, but with the potopouri of it all, I found enough today to note that Washington outsmarted British General Cornwallis and we won our independence from the Brits. Almost always I find a morning gem or two that features a writer, one or two of them that I've read and made me the better for it. Forthwith: "John le Carré, born in Poole, England (1931). In his novels such as The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1963) and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (1974), he's known for writing realistically about spies who aren't sexy or daring, like James Bond, but tired, lonely men, who barely trusted their own government more than they trusted their enemies." I've read them all. The stories he tells us are always engaging and most often shows us that so are his characters. We may need a bump ourselves and, for me, GK's summary is enough to energize mr, with my coffee of course, and my dear wife's dippable cookie. On we go!

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Sorry for the mistyping of "potpourri" above! It already has enough letters....

And "mr" near the end is meant to be "me." Thanks!

PS: I was always marked down when I misspelled which was frequent enough....thanks again!

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