Apr 2·edited Apr 2

How tragic is this? Zola said, "One forges one's style on the terrible anvil of daily deadlines....The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work." Just think how many were gifted and poured it in the sewer each day.

As for one's status, earned it must be....and often it's not worth a drip. Let's work hard and well and tell our stories no more from the calluses on our hands. They speak for themselves.

I'm well as an octovaran can manage, does as good work as my age allows, and "keep in touch.®", being one way, is usually as close as most of us get. And I quote with the close with one of your Thanksgiving prayer from the Strib many years ago: "More we do not need."

I'd only add, "More we need to do!"

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"He wrote six novels and several travel books" And yet remembered for Thumbelina. This is why writers are depressed : )

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