2017 was a good year. Not a great year, but far, far better for the years that lay ahead.There were seasons and calm and some progress before our weather and virus titanic struck and we were left far, far worse. We have, somehow, survived it...some of us more than others.

Now's the time to leave this 20's decade we're in better, not worse. Money, whether more is printed or not, drowns us in debt that becomes a growing swamp that's left to our grandchildren. This debt-swamp is so deep there's no way out . If ever you hunted ducks and, being dog-less, wore rubberized bibs to swish out and grab the injured bird.

There's always the worry that the lake bottom drops and you step in a hole on the bottom with a depth greater than your height. Your bibs are filled with water and, soon, so are your lungs. It's time some of these debt-swamps are drained before there's no bravery left to drain.

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Warmest regards I so enjoy daily. Read paulaha yes new book factonomics!

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