Please notice that this is a REPOST of TWA from January 15, 2012. There's nothing wrong with the math. Nobody except the reader is responsible for updating the chronology.

Regular readers, even those who missed the announcement, will have figured out that only reposts have been appearing since late May 2022.

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Lazy, inattentive, who knows what? Maybe just doesn't give a damn. These little gaffes are trivial but they suggest attitudes at TWA I hope are not really there. A quick proofread is all that's needed.

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"It was three years ago today, in 2009" Whatever flunky Garry has put in charge of TWA is EXTREMELY lazy.

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It was three years ago today, in 2009, that Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger successfully landed a passenger jet in the Hudson River.

Unless my math is incorrect, I believe that this event took place 14 years ago...not three.

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