It's ironic to me that more elementary school children are killed in their schools weekly, it seems, in 2023 than all of the persons killed on the "blackest day" in labor history 110 years ago.

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What a lot occurred today. Thank you for researching and sharing it all. I especially appreciate your writing style. Very engaging and easy to read.

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It's uncanny how parts of this piece (along with many other pages in TWA) tie in with ideas I'm exploring for a journal article that I've been working on forever, it seems. I keep finding tantalizing bits of information in the news, opinions, and feature writing that I consume daily-- even while remonstrating with myself that I ought to be working on my article. It's so true that everything in life is interconnected. So glad that you were driven to research, write, and share again The Writer's Almanac! I feel guilty for not having a paid subscription, but please believe me when I say, once again, I am an artist of limited means.

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